
Halloween was celebrated by fellow Potomac residents on the Friday before Halloween. I saw people wearing hockey masks, plus dressed as fairies, republicans, soldiers, rednecks, you name it. Me, I was a dud. I didn’t go out. But I did get out the Mavica and take some pictures of some of my fellow fourth-floor people before they went out to Halloween parties. Let’s take a look…

Everyone is all shining under the blacklight fitted in one person's light fixture.

Everyone is all shining under the blacklight fitted in one person’s light fixture.

Where do we go to school? Obviously UVA, as Meredith dresses up as a "UVA Slut".

Where do we go to school? Obviously UVA, as Meredith dresses up as a “UVA Slut”.

Ben from across the hall dresses up as a concertgoer.

Ben from across the hall dresses up as a concertgoer.

We have Meredith the "UVA slut", and then how about Andrew Dudik, the "UVA prep", to boot?

We have Meredith the “UVA slut”, and then how about Andrew Dudik, the “UVA prep”, to boot?

Along with Andrew, also a "UVA prep", Dana dresses up as an angel.

Along with Andrew, also a “UVA prep”, Dana dresses up as an angel.

Fairies! These five were featured with the quote for Halloween.

Fairies! These five were featured with the quote for Halloween.

This group picture was taken not only with the Mavica, but also with about three other cameras as I was the only one NOT dressed up (and staying in) and so I was taking everyone else's pictures, too. Not that I mind, though.

This group picture was taken not only with the Mavica, but also with about three other cameras as I was the only one NOT dressed up (and staying in) and so I was taking everyone else’s pictures, too. Not that I mind, though.

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