As I said in my Halloween Week 2001 quote, I love Halloween. And again, it’s the costumes, man! Here’s a survey of some of Potomac Hall’s Halloween participants. Me, I dressed as an RA to sit duty on Saturday, and went as The Schumin Web on the day of Halloween.
In the stairwell, I encountered none other than Minnie Mouse, complete with those trademark cartoon-character gloves.
Randi went out dressed as the “Pleasure Kitten”, complete with ears and a whip, which she’s using to lure Greg into her grasp.
Up on the other fourth floor where I used to live last year, I encountered Cruella DeVille.
I also encountered Betty Rubble.
And Wilma Flintstone for that matter.
On Saturday when I was sitting duty, I ran into some nerds while I was in the office.
Taped to the back of one of their shirts was “Virgin for LIFE!” Interesting sentiment, indeed.
On the day of Halloween, people can’t resist dressing up anyway, even though it was a Wednesday. Here, Scott dresses up as Quail Man from the cartoon series Doug.
Soon after I encountered Scott, I ran across this pair, sporting matching fans!
Rock and roll!
Jamie and Doug went as what you could describe as punk rednecks.
They even got the classic “redneck teeth”, that are all stained, some gold, and spaced apart. I featured this shot on a bulletin board in December, requesting comments to go with them, and one person wrote, “I think one of them is my baby’s daddy.”
And finally, another pair, Stephanie as a “gangsta”, and Leslie as an angel with wings.